Sunday 16 February 2014

Online services

Online Services

1- Define online services.

A) Its using the Internet to provide services for its users. 
There are three main areas for online services:

1- Paying to organisations for the provided services.
2- Online shopping 
3- Online banking

Copyright © 2014 by Mohammed AL-Qubtan   

2- Describe the effects of them on society.

1- It makes the bank transaction easier.
2- Online stores are usually available 24 hours per a day.
3- Helps the disabled people, for example, they dont need to go to a certain shop to buy a PC.

Copyright © 2014 by Mohammed AL-Qubtan   

1- It makes people lazy to work and move.
2- If there is any security problems, the buyer credit card information could get stolen.
3- The business only work via internet, so if it goes down, it will stop.

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